Voice Commerce Company - SilverClouding

Voice Commerce.

Voice Commerce Company

Voice Commerce is the new-age technology that lets you do your shopping using voice-enabled artificial intelligence. We, SilverClouding is a Voice Commerce Company. Think, Siri – but, for shopping! You just have to connect your smartphone/tablet to whichever voice assistant you want to try out, and go happy shopping without even moving your finger!

In the world of e-commerce, things are always moving at lightning pace, starting with mobile commerce, specific application-based eCommerce systems, and live eCommerce, and now the spotlight is shining bright on Voice Commerce. Point to be noted, the method of shopping keeps getting more accessible, quicker, and oh so convenient.

Shopping with Siri!
During COVID-19, one major lesson that companies all over the world learned was that innovation is the key to staying alive in the business. Thus, we welcome newer industry trends every day.

As for those who want to know why you should get voice-enabled technology for your eCommerce website or app, let’s take a dive into it! According to the latest projections, there will be over 8 billion voice assistants to be used on a grand worldwide level by 2023, among those a whopping 51% will be for online shopping.

In such a growing sector, the benefits are often scattered, and easy to miss. Hence, here is a compiled list of benefits of switching to Voice Commerce for your e-commerce business.

Conversation Commerce
You want to buy something? Say “OK Google” to your smartphone and describe your object of desire, and voila! You have to option to click right on it without any endless scrolling, manual filtering, or whatsoever.

Voice Search – This has already seeped into several music-playing applications, search engines, and e-commerce websites and apps. Voice search has become quite a favorite over the years due to its fast and quick responses without much hassle.

Break the Monotony Typing, Searching, Filtering, Wish lists, Checking Out, and the list goes on. Now, all of these steps have been condensed to one simple action: tap on the mic button, speak out loudly, and let the AI perform its magic! Additionally, there is no doubt about the security measures because it falls under the same secure paywall that good, trusted e-commerce sites use!

Final Thoughts
It may seem unnecessary or daunting at first, but this is where the future of e-commerce truly lies. With a simple switch to voice technology today, there is a chance to tap an increasingly growing market. After all, the new-age e-commerce revolution is here, and we, SilverClouding, as a Voice Commerce Company know, that Voice Commerce is in the lead!

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